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Recruitment Procedure & Documentation
Step 1: Receive the confirmed requirement from the client
  • We will ask the client to provide us with the following original documents, duly attested by the Bangladesh Mission/Embassy of the host country:
    • Demand letter: This letter should specify the number, job title, period of contract, monthly basic wages, weekly working days and hours, and other terms and conditions of the workers required by the client.
    • Power of attorney: This document should authorize us to act as the recruiting agent in Bangladesh for the client and to handle all the affairs related to the recruitment of workers, such as arranging passports, visa endorsements, and travel arrangements.
    • Employment agreement contract: This document should outline the terms and conditions of the employment contract between the client and the worker, such as the job title, place of work, salary, duration, visa, traveling expense, accommodation, food, overtime, leave benefits, insurance, renewal, and other relevant clauses.
  • We will need two copies of each document, one in English and one in Bengali, in PDF format. The client can send us the documents by email or courier.
  • We will verify the authenticity and completeness of the documents and confirm our acceptance of the requirement within ___________ (number of days).
Step 2: Screen the applications and conduct the preliminary interviews
  • We will advertise the job vacancies on various online and offline platforms, such as job portals, newspapers, social media, and our website.
  • We will receive and review the applications from the interested candidates and shortlist the ones who meet the minimum qualifications and criteria for the job.
  • We will contact the shortlisted candidates and invite them to attend the preliminary interviews at our office or online.
  • We will conduct the preliminary interviews with the candidates to assess their background, skills, competence, and suitability for the job. We will also verify their past experience, certificates, and testimonials.
  • We will use valid and reliable selection tests, such as aptitude tests, personality tests, and language tests, to measure the candidates’ abilities and traits that are relevant for the job and the culture.
  • We will use structured or behavioral interviews to ask the candidates consistent and job-related questions and rate their responses using a predefined scoring system.
  • We will select the best candidates based on the results of the selection tests and interviews and prepare a list of the finalists.
Step 3: Conduct the final interviews and obtain the client’s approval
  • We will send the list of the finalists, along with their resumes, test scores, and interview ratings, to the client for their review and approval.
  • If the client wishes to conduct the final interviews themselves, we will arrange the interviews either in person or online, depending on the client’s preference and availability. We will also assist the client in preparing the interview questions and evaluating the candidates.
  • If the client delegates the responsibility of conducting the final interviews to us, we will conduct the interviews on behalf of the client and select the most suitable candidates for the job.
  • We will inform the client about the outcome of the final interviews and obtain their confirmation and offer letters for the selected candidates.
Step 4: Conduct the medical check-up and obtain the visa endorsements
  • We will inform the selected candidates about the offer letters and the medical check-up requirements and obtain their consent before proceeding.
  • We will send the selected candidates for medical fitness check-up in the government authorized medical centers. The medical check-up will include physical examinations, blood tests, urine tests, chest x-rays, and psychological tests, as per the standards and regulations of the host country.
  • We will receive and review the medical reports of the candidates and ensure that they are medically fit and eligible for travel. We will respect their privacy and confidentiality and only share their medical information with the authorized parties.
  • We will apply for the visa endorsements for the candidates with the embassy of the host country, using the power of attorney and the employment agreement contract provided by the client.
  • We will obtain the visa endorsements for the candidates and attach them to their passports.
Step 5: Conduct the orientation and make the travel arrangements
  • We will conduct an orientation session for the candidates before their departure, to provide them with useful and updated information about the employer, the job, the country, and the culture, using various formats and channels, such as brochures, videos, webinars, or mentors.
  • We will encourage the candidates to ask questions, share feedback, and express their concerns or expectations. We will also provide them with contact details of our representatives and the employer in case of any issues or emergencies.
  • We will make the travel arrangements for the candidates, such as booking the flight tickets, arranging the transportation, and providing the travel documents and instructions.
  • We will follow up with the candidates after their arrival and during their adjustment period, and offer them support and guidance as needed.
Our Guarantee
  • A period of 3 months may be treated as a probationary period and we stand guarantee for any damage done by the employee during this period. Any person found unfit (excluding accident cases) shall be repatriated at our expense and charge incurred for the replacement of the same will be borne by us.
Demand Letter
Date: ___________
M/s. Taa-Haa Recruitment Services
Adept Amir Complex (3rd Floor),
Ka-3/1/C, Bashundhara Road
Jagannatpur, Vatara, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh.
License No: RL – 1153.
Subject: Letter of Demand.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We, ___________ (name of the employer), are pleased to appoint you as our recruiting agent in Bangladesh for the purpose of supplying us with the following workers, for work placement in ___________ (name of the country of employment):
No of Workers
Job Title
Period of Contract
Monthly Basic Wages
Weekly Working Days
Weekly Working Hours
Other Terms & Condition Includes:
  • Free air passages (flight) to and from home country every two years.
  • Accommodation provided by the company.
  • Government Medical Insurance (GOSI) provided by the company.
  • Workers will not be required to work in any other country other than the above stated.
Note: All other benefits such as Medical Insurance, Annual Leave, Public Holidays, and Overtime etc. should be in accordance with the labor laws of the country of employment.
Please confirm your acceptance of this letter of demand by signing and returning a copy of this letter to us within ___________ (number of days).
For ___________ (name of the employer)
Signature: ___________
Name: ___________
Designation: ___________
Date: ___________
Power of Attorney
Date: ___________
RE: Power of Attorney
We, ___________ (name of the employer), Address ___________, do hereby appoint M/s. Taa-Haa Recruitment Services, Adept Amir Complex (3rd Floor) Ka -3/1/c, Bashundhara Road, Jagannatpur, Vatara, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh. License No: RL- 1153 as our true and lawful attorney and recruiting agent in Bangladesh for the purpose of handling all of the affairs associated with the recruitment of workers for employment contracts overseas as required by the laws and regulations of Bangladesh to arrange for passports and visa endorsements with the embassy concerned and to make arrangements for the workers passage to the job site.
This power of attorney is limited to the requirement of demand letter dated ___________ and expires on the completion of this recruitment.
In witness where of we have executed this power of attorney on ___________.
For ___________ (name of the employer)
Signature: ___________
Name: ___________
Designation: ___________
Date: ___________
Employment Agreement
This contract of employment is executed and entered into by and between:
  1. Employer: ___________ (name and address of the employer)
    b. Employee: ___________ (name and passport number of the employee)
Both of whom bind themselves to the following terms and conditions:
  • Employees job title position: ___________
  • Place of work: ___________
  • Basic monthly salary: ___________
  • Duration of contract: ___________
  • Visa: ___________
  • Traveling expense: ___________
  • Accommodation: ___________
  • Food: ___________
  • Weekly working days and weekly working hours: ___________
  • Over time: ___________
  • Leave benefits: ___________
  • Insurance: ___________
  • Renewal of contract: ___________
  • Other terms and conditions: Other terms and conditions favorable to the employee not covered here which are provided by the laws of the country of employment shall apply and shall be the part of the contract.
Certification: The employer and employee certify that they have read and fully understand this agreement and both further certify that these terms and conditions together with the application constitute their entire agreement and that any other agreement or understanding aside from this contract shall be considered null and void.
In witness whereof the parties have hereunto voluntarily signed their respective names below on ___________.
Signature on behalf of Employer: ___________
Name: ___________
Designation: ___________
Date: ___________
Signature of Employee: ___________
Name: ___________
Date: ___________